is your go-to platform for sharing and discovering new music. We are committed to promoting artists, whether they are up-and-coming or established stars. Please read the following disclaimer carefully before using our services.

Content Ownership and Rights

User-Generated Content:

  • allows users to upload and share music files.
  • We do not own the rights to all the music files uploaded by our users. All rights are retained by the respective artists and copyright holders.

DMCA Compliance:

  • We respect the rights of copyright holders and will work to ensure that any infringing material is promptly removed from our service.
  • If you believe a song you own has been mistakenly published on our site, please notify us immediately using the contact page on our website or by sending a take-down notice to [email protected]. Provide a link to the infringing material in your notice and we will respond within 24 hours.

Promotional Use:

  • Our platform is designed to help artists gain exposure and promote their music.
  • We respect the intellectual property rights of artists and expect our users to do the same.

Monitoring and Compliance

  • We monitor all files uploaded to ensure that copyrighted material is not uploaded without permission.
  • will respond to any and all take-down requests that comply with the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws.
  • Our posts are for informational purposes only, in accordance to ‘Fair use Act.’

Contact Information

  • If you have any questions or concerns about our disclaimer or the content on our site, please contact us through the details provided on our website.
  • By using, you agree to adhere to our terms and conditions and respect the rights of all content creators.

Thank you for visiting Enjoy exploring and sharing music responsibly.

Last Updated: July 5, 2024